Time Management

30 Day Experiment: Daily Checklist

30 Day Experiment: Daily Checklist

"What gets measured accurately improves." I heard this simple phrase several years ago from my good friend Roger Seip, author of Train Your Brain for Success and have shared it many times to my clients, friends and anyone who would hear it.

30 Day Experiment: No Facebook

30 Day Experiment: No Facebook

I know what your thinking as you look at this title? " No Facebook, are you crazy? How could you not be on Facebook?" That was my first reaction when I made the commitment to spend an entire 30 day stretch of time away from the ultimate social network.

Can I Have Some More Hours?

Can I Have Some More Hours?

We all have the same 24 hours in the day to make of, as we will, but how is it that some people are able to accomplish so much and others are scrambling to get the minimum required in any given day? How can some find the time to balance work, personal life, health, and family and still manage to take that vacation without stress or concern? What abilities do they have that I don’t?